Some of you may remember I have been doing the MUTU System online course to help me get more body confident post partum and sort my pelvic floor out. I wrote an initial blog post about it here. I have now finished the course so wanted to write a follow up post about the result and give my final verdict.
Read moreMUTU Self Care & Body Confidence
Body confidence is a hot topic at the moment, so when I was invited along to an influencers event towards the end of last year to see a private screening of Embrace, an inspiring documentary film that explores the idea of female body image, I jumped at the chance to see it. The film was honestly amazing, a must see for all women, kids and men.
Read moreNew Year New Thoughts...
I wasn't going to write one of those 'New Years resolutions' type posts but I've seen a couple of other bloggers take note of their goals, plans and dreams for the year which got me thinking about where I'm at. I thought I might actually find it helpful and therapeutic to write it all down, especially as my head is ALL OVER THE PLACE at the moment.
Read more6 Things I Learnt When my Son Started Reception
Wow what a crazy, exhausting, mentally challenging first month of Finn starting at school. I thought I'd share what I've learnt from Finn starting reception with you as I have to say it has been so much more of an emotional rollercoaster than I ever imagined! A new routine, a realisation that he's left the fluffy cocoon of his private nursery and is entering into the real world with more independence, less adult support around and more structure to his days.
Read moreFlexing It - the update
So back in December I wrote about why I was taking the giant leap and quitting my 'proper' 9-5 job and turning to 'flex' (flexible working) to suit my changing lifestyle with two kids in tow (see here). I wanted to make the most of spending more time with my family and working around their needs.
Read moreFIERCE! Warrior Woman Project
The pics are back!! I've been championing #BodyPositivity for a while now so I was very excited to take part in Natalie from Style Me Sunday's recent Warrior Woman Project in conjunction with Dove. A big group of women, in all shapes and sizes from all walks of life came together at The Clapton Laundry last month to take part in a day of inspiring talks, live art, comedy and of course brave photoshoots!
Read moreIf Finlay Fox had a nappy range...
So the kind folk over at Kit & Kin sent me a lovely box of their goodies to try out and review on the blog. If you haven't heard of Kit & Kin (one of the founders is none other than Emma Bunton aka Baby Spice!) they recently launched their new range of high performance eco nappies and skincare after being frustrated by the increase of harmful and unsustainable products on the market.
Read morebabybox by eve - the perfect Babyshower gift
Yes that's right it's a box for your baby. The Babybox is a cardboard box designed for your newborn baby to sleep in! The box replaces the need for a traditional Moses basket or cot for the first 6 months or so of your babies life. Sounds a bit bonkers but actually it's an idea thats been around for a long time.
Read moreSketchy Muma
With the run up to Mothers Day I wanted to share someone I discovered on social media a little while back, who's work really struck a chord with me. Sketchy Muma (aka Anna Lewis) is a seriously talented children's illustrator who manages to tap into the more sentimental side of motherhood with her little sketches.
Read moreDate Like A Parent
Who said romance is dead? Our matching Valentines card this year ;)
We all know it's really important to take child free time out for yourself and as a couple when you have children. It's super easy to get sucked into a routine of this not happening very much and is much easier said than done... something I can really relate to at the moment.
Read moreTo 3 or not to 3....
Three's a crowd, 3 is a magic number, to 3 or not to 3, that is the question.... It's something that's been playing on my mind (not my husbands please note!) a lot recently, will we or won't we have another child? Am I crazy?
Read moreFamily, Finding Work that Works & Why I Quit my Job!
There's been a lot of press and debate about flexible working, mumpreneurs, mindfulness and women in business this year. All these topics are interconnected into the trials and trubiluations that come hand in hand with motherhood and raising a family.
Read moreMama Meet Christmas Party
Last week we had our final Mama Meet of 2016 at Olive Loves Alfie East. It was a real festive affair with Christmas tunes, a portable prosecco bar made from the vintage silver cross pram, Christmas shopping, chalking for the kids, mince pies and homemade gingerbread men.
Read moreWell Grounded
I've been thinking recently about my son, Finn, and how mature he has become since we've had Violet. Sometimes (always with kids) time flies past and when you have two it's easy to overlook their developments and changes as life is so full on. In the last 10 months he's really changed into a proper little boy and I'm starting to realise how influential we are as parents in what our little ones develop into and believe in.
Read more10 Month Baby Update
OK, soooo boring to some, but really useful for's the latest baby update!! Yep we've hit the 10 month milestone and I wanted to document what that's like and how we are finding life at the moment. It's a funny age as she's really losing her babyness (is that even a word?) and her biggest development is that she's really trying to be on the move via a bum shuffle.
Read moreMama Meet with Supercharged Club
We had our first Winter Mama Meet on Friday and I just wanted to share some of the beautiful photos of all the mamas, babies and toddlers that came. We had the fabulous Mary and Emma from the Supercharged Club who provided energy and warmth with their honest chat and positivity.
Read moreThe London Dad // Dada Meet
We've been following Gregory from The London Dad for a while now, his instagram feed and blog posts are all about honest (and emotional) parenting and we always love to see and hear things from a dads perspective. He lives in Wimbledon with his wife Alice (founder and editor of Avocado magazine), daughter Etta and they have baby number two due in December.
Read moreSupercharged Club // Mama Meet
We are super excited to have the mamas from Supercharged Club come and do a talk at our next Mama Meet on Friday 4th November! Mary and Emma are all about motivating and inspiring you to feel good about yourselves, with backgrounds in nutrition, fitness, life coaching and the all essential motherhood.
Read moreStyle Me Sunday // Mama Meet
We've been busy planning our next round of Mama Meets for the winter and have some super exciting guests lined up to speak at them!! First up I want to talk about Natalie from Style Me Sunday who is going to be doing a talk at our Mama Meet on the 24th November. If you haven't heard of this East London Mama before then you must check her out...
Read moreHow to Pick a Buggy
Buggies and strollers - something you will use everyday for at least the first two years of being a mum. Somewhere for your baby to sit, sleep, eat, feel comfortable, safe and secure. Lots of mums to be ask me how you know what buggy to pick when you're going to have a baby. Personally I went on a recommendation and what was considered to be the 'cool' buggy to own at the time (Bugaboo Bee).
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