With the run up to Mothers Day I wanted to share someone I discovered on social media a little while back, who's work really struck a chord with me. Sketchy Muma (aka Anna Lewis) is a seriously talented children's illustrator who manages to tap into the more sentimental side of motherhood with her little sketches.
Read moreTo 3 or not to 3....
Three's a crowd, 3 is a magic number, to 3 or not to 3, that is the question.... It's something that's been playing on my mind (not my husbands please note!) a lot recently, will we or won't we have another child? Am I crazy?
Read moreFamily, Finding Work that Works & Why I Quit my Job!
There's been a lot of press and debate about flexible working, mumpreneurs, mindfulness and women in business this year. All these topics are interconnected into the trials and trubiluations that come hand in hand with motherhood and raising a family.
Read more10 Month Baby Update
OK, soooo boring to some, but really useful for others....it's the latest baby update!! Yep we've hit the 10 month milestone and I wanted to document what that's like and how we are finding life at the moment. It's a funny age as she's really losing her babyness (is that even a word?) and her biggest development is that she's really trying to be on the move via a bum shuffle.
Read moreMama Meet with Supercharged Club
We had our first Winter Mama Meet on Friday and I just wanted to share some of the beautiful photos of all the mamas, babies and toddlers that came. We had the fabulous Mary and Emma from the Supercharged Club who provided energy and warmth with their honest chat and positivity.
Read moreSupercharged Club // Mama Meet
We are super excited to have the mamas from Supercharged Club come and do a talk at our next Mama Meet on Friday 4th November! Mary and Emma are all about motivating and inspiring you to feel good about yourselves, with backgrounds in nutrition, fitness, life coaching and the all essential motherhood.
Read moreWhat To Do With A Baby...
As Violet is rapidly growing into a big baby (7 months now), with longer awake time periods, it's got me thinking about what you actually do with a baby to keep them entertained at home. When I had Finn 3.5 years ago I had no idea what I was doing (winging it) and had no concept of what you had to do to fill time with a baby, especially having had no prior experience what so ever.
Read moreWhy I'm (parenting the sh*t out of life) by being a Routine Mama
It's a funny thing when you have a baby, you get inundated with conflicting advice (don't use a dummy, do use a dummy, find a routine and stick to it, go with the flow, use blackout blinds, never use blackout blinds, never let them sleep on their front, they sleep better on their fronts...) and hand me down parenting books (Gina Ford's raisng contented babies, The Baby Whisperer. Your Baby Week by Week..)
Read moreYou know you're a mama when...
Mama Necklace from Cult of Youth
We've been thinking about what it means to be a mum, mother, mama, whatever you call it, motherhood is pretty epic, bloody hard and super special all at the same time. It's not always how you think it will be or how you think you will be but that's the best part about it, each and every day brings something new, scary, happy, exciting, gross, funny or strange.
Read more5 Month Baby Update
Violet is now 5 months old and I thought it would be nice to give a small update on life with her at this time. She is definitely a good baby but as with any age in motherhood there are good days and bad days and I am pretty exhausted 99% of the time! Luckily her cheeky smile keeps me going and we are all pretty besotted with her, I'm scared at how quickly she is changing and growing, slow down please!!
Read moreMere Soeur - The Art of Motherhood
If you haven't heard of Carrie from Mere Soeur then please check her out! She encompasses girl power, celebrates sisterhood and empowers mums through her mama merchandise (plus she is gorgeous - major mum crush!). We've mentioned her product plenty of times before on the blog as it makes great mothers day and new mum gifts.
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