We've been a fan of Tiba + Marl bags from the moment they launched a year ago. In fact we wrote about them nearly exactly a year ago, click here! Finally they have cracked the nappy bag market to offer stylish, cool, trend driven bags that are still practical and have life beyond babies and children. They are now even being stocked in Selfridges!
Read moreHoliday Fun!
Yes! In just over one weeks time we will be going on holiday...whoop! I just wanted to show you a few cool things I've spotted on the web that would be super fun to take on holiday if you have room in your suitcase!
Read moreHospital Bag Essentials: What to pack
With my due date rapidly sneaking up on me I've finally packed the hospital bag and thought I'd show you what I've taken this time round for the birth of baby 2 and a little bit of experience...
Read moreNew mum gifts that don't suck
Mug from Mere Soeur, £9.50
Flowers (I don't own enough vases!), baby grows (often bought too small, especially if you have over a 9lb'er and they last a matter of days), teddies (unless they are the jellycat ones), baby record books (oops still haven't filled mine in for Finn), spa vouchers (not so fun by yourself and with lactating breasts), pink and blue stuff (often naff)....these are the classic baby/ new mum gifts.
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