The Finlay Fox family is expanding! The time is nearly here (well less than 3 months to go) until baby number 2 makes her arrival, making us a family of 4. All very exciting but I confess I am a bit tired of the constant 'oh a girl aren't you lucky to have one of each' etc ... yes it will be nice to put my 'unisex' blog to the test and yes it will be nice to really see how different the experience is with a girl but I have honestly loved having a boy so much! Bring on the liberty print and the no pink challenge...
Pregnancy has been much tougher this time around, more sickness and tiredness and it's been harder as there is no down time with a toddler running around who is still often quite clingy, lazy and needs to learn to use his own two feet a bit more. We are trying really hard to make Finn feel as excited and involved with his 'little sister' as possible. Tips have included buying the new baby a present which he picks ('a baby dinosaur mummy'), giving him a present at the hospital that his little sister has 'picked' ('a dinosaur mummy'), making sure his teddies stay as his teddies and reading him those 'mummy's having a baby' books. The worse thing I've heard is that to your child it's like your partner bringing another woman home with him, not a nice feeling!
All I know is Finn is going to be an amazing big brother and I cannot wait for those special first moments when they meet! Being one of three siblings myself I know how incredible it is to have someone else around to look out for you and love you to the moon and back. There are a few articles I've found - 'Is one child just a hobby?', 'How the hell am I going to cope with two kids?' and 'Going from one child to two' - which I have enjoyed and found insightful - I will be writing honestly about my experience with two here so watch this space.
Things I look forward to:
- Seeing the sibling love and cuddles (hopefully no eye poking)
- Sibling entertainment vs kids TV (probably kidding myself here and Cbeebies will be on more than ever)
- Knowing what to expect a bit more (extreme exhaustion, sore and extreme boobs, repetition and love). Not that I can remember a single thing about what happened at each stage last time...
- Not having heartburn and indigestion anymore, Gaviscon has been my close friend but I will not miss you.
- Twinning and co-ord outfits (of course). The reality will probably be that Finn will have just hit an age where he will refuse to wear anything I pick
- Bedtime and morning cuddles with 2 little ones (and the husband of course)
- Faaamily - yes being a proper family of 4 now! How different will she be from Finn?
Things I'm really not looking forward to:
- Sleep deprivation - yes I know this is obvious but at least with one you can tag team a bit, with two you can't exactly take turns to have sleep ins can you? I am awful when I haven't had enough sleep
- How the hell do you get 2 children ready in the morning and out the door before midday without a total meltdown?
- Goodbye any long distance travel plans for while... We have a European holiday planned when the baby will be 4 months old, are we crazy? 2 on holiday will be a whole new ball game
- Really testing my patience, routine and organisation skills
- Time - there will be less of it and how will I do my blog?
- Crap maternity pay (how am I going to fund this whole new wardrobe?) and eventually two nursery fees to pay eek!!
Here are a few other things I have found and been recommended to help with this new period to be in our lives, if you are in a similar situation I hope they can help. What about you? Any top tips? I'd love to hear about your experiences, good and bad!
Main image at top - Miffy and the New Baby book by Dick Bruna, £4.99, available from Amazon
1. Stupid Baby Book by Stephanie Blake from Scout & Co. £6.99. We have been reading this for a while in our house. Simon's little brother comes home from hospital 'If he stays I'll poo everywhere'... I enjoy the sense of humour she uses and Finn loves this book, what the reality will be like of a new sibling in the house watch this space...
2. Sago Mini Babies App. £2.29. Let your child take care of cute baby characters - change the nappy, feed them, playtime, give them a nap. Suitable for 2 - 5 yrs. Finn loves this app and I hope he will be assisting in some of these chores with us when the time comes! I'm hoping it teaches him that all babies really do is drink milk, poo and sleep so he won't be too disappointed in the first few months!
3 & 4. Bob & Blossom Brother and Sister Jumpers £24, Age 1 - 6 yrs. LOVE.
5. The New Baby Activity Book from Amazon £9.95. This book helps parents to talk to their child about the baby developing in Mummy's tummy and what to expect when it come out. I like the vintage design to the book, have just ordered.
6. Sleepyhead Deluxe Portable Baby Pod from John Lewis, £99. For 0 - 8 months. Not cheap but as sleep is going to be more important than ever before so we are going to buy and try out this snooze pod for use as an alternative portable baby bed. Reviews look good and my review will follow on the blog next year.
7. We are Family Kids Jumpers by Emoi Emoi, 45 euros, 6 months - 8 years. Men and Womens also available so you really can match as a whole family.
8. 10 Minute suppers for Children by Poppy Fraser, £12.99 - the essential recipe book for the busy parent. As we will be seeking quick food ideas throughout the exhaustion of 2 and new ideas for fussy Finn are always needed